Naturpark Gantrisch
Regional nature park since 2012
Day and night, the Gantrisch Nature Park offers many things to discover: wild canyons, dense forests, the Gantrisch Mountain Range and the starry sky. It's people who make the park what it is: a vibrant region with unique treasures. Get involved, together we're shaping our region, our Nature Park.
The Gantrisch Regional Nature Park is located in the Bern - Fribourg - Thun triangle and comprises 18 Bernese and one Fribourg municipality. The Gantrisch mountain range and lake Schwarzsee lie to the south. Extensive moorland stretches along the Gurnigel Pass. Other regions include Guggisberg with the famous Guggershörnli, the Schwarzenburgerland, the Sense-Schwarzwasser river landscape with its impressive canyons, the Längenberg and the Gürbetal.
The night has a high standing in the Gantrisch Nature Park: together with park municipalities and partners, we have been committed to protecting the nocturnal darkness for years. As a result, we were the first area in Switzerland to be awarded the international label as an ‘International Dark Sky Park’.
There are a large number of objects of particular cultural and historical value in the park area, such as castles, the Way of St James with the Rüeggisberg monastery, the Grasburg castle and the bridges over the Sense and Schwarzwasser rivers. Also located here are eight museums, some with an international reputation, and three astronomical observatories.
The Gantrisch Nature Park is more strongly characterised by agriculture and forestry than the Swiss average. In addition to regional products, tourism is one of the most important economic sectors.
«Entdecken, anpacken, lernen - bei Tag und Nacht.»
Naturpark Gantrisch
Schlossgasse 13
CH-3150 Schwarzenburg
Tel. +41 (0)31 808 00 20
Naturpark Gantrisch
Schlossgasse 13
CH-3150 Schwarzenburg
Tel. +41 (0)31 808 00 20