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Die Schweizer Pärke am Salon Goûts & Terroirs 2024

Die Genussmesse «Salon Suisse des Goûts et Terroir» findet vom 30. Oktober bis am 3. November in Bulle (FR) statt. 
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Parc du Doubs - © Switzerland Tourism-BAFU/Gerry Nitsch

Parc du Doubs - © Parc du Doubs/Guy Perrenoud

Parc du Doubs - © Parc du Doubs

Parc du Doubs

Regional nature park since 2013

Extensive pastured woodlands and forests characterise the typical regional cultural landscape in the Doubs Nature Park, which has been formed over the centuries through cattle farming and horse breeding. On the northern limit of the plateau, the ground drops sharply down to the River Doubs, whose gorges form over long stretches the natural border to France.

The Doubs flows through a magnificent canyon-like gorge, surrounded by cliffs and steep forests. This enchanting river is gentle and wild at the same time, depending on the region. The fascinating natural and cultural landscapes of the Doubs valley and its plateaus with the extensive pastured woodlands are the basis of the Doubs Nature Park. However, the project is based not just on its landscapes, but also on the skills of the population - be it the art of watchmaking or the breeding of the famous Freiberger horses.

Two aspect deserve particular attention, both the cross-border character of the Nature Park through the co-operation with the «Pays Horloger» in neighbouring France as well as the significance of the watchmaking towns of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage and gateways to the park.

A wide range of outdoor leisure activities in the nature are possible, thanks to the excellent public transport system in the region. The best is to explore the river valley and its slopes down to the river. The Freiberger plateau is a paradise both for horse lovers and mountain bikers. Here they find trials that are tailor-made for them and offer them intensive outdoor experiences. In winter, cross-country skiers can enjoy a comprehensive range of several 100 kilometres of prepared trails, and for snow-shoe enthusiasts there are many trails suiting all tastes.

«À contre-courant.»

Parc du Doubs
Place du 23-juin 6
Case postale 316
CH-2350 Saignelégier  

Tel.+41 (0)32 420 46 70

Regional Nature Park since 2013

Area: 312 km2
Population: 14200
Municipalities: Clos du Doubs
La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Ferrière
Lajoux (JU)
Le Locle
Le Noirmont
Les Bois
Les Breuleux
Les Enfers
Les Genevez (JU)
Cantons: Bern

Parc du Doubs

Place du 23-juin 6
Case postale 316
CH-2350 Saignelégier  

Tel.+41 (0)32 420 46 70


How to get there