Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut - Hongrin valley: a land of cheese and water
The trail begins at the top of Les Rochers-de-Naye, which offers spectacular views of the sparkling blue waters of Lake Geneva. It continues down the other side of the mountain through the unspoilt Hongrin valley to the Pays-d’Enhaut.
The first stage of the trail runs downhill along the mountain ridge to the Col de Chaude. From there, the path turns left and continues along the surfaced road that leads to the Col de Chaude chalet. During the summer months, this working Alp (mountain farm) not only serves refreshments but also produces more than 450 rounds of L’Etivaz AOP cheese.
The route continues downhill to La Vuichoude d’en Bas, where you can admire the Hongrin dam with its distinctive twin curvatures, the tallest of which is 123 metres high. From there, it is uphill again, along a winding path to Le Linderrey. The next stage involves a long descent to the Pays-d'Enhaut along various Alp roads and across the Col de Sonlomont.
The first section of the descent is relatively gentle but is much steeper after Le Tanchin, particularly along the 'Les Traverses' forest track. The latter part of this track is secured with wire ropes. From there it is a short walk to Le Revers and the nearby Le Sapalet organic cheese dairy. Cross the old stone bridge which has spanned the Sarine river since 1650. The Rossinière train station is only a 10-minute walk from here.