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Pascal Tercier

Season: All season


All season


Pascal Tercier
Le Liderrey 16
1637 Charmey
Tel. +41 (0)79 230 74 28

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut - Pascal Tercier has had a life-long passion for farming and livestock. Having worked on a series of mountain farms in his youth, the former lumberjack finally became master of his own 40-hectare farm, in Charmey, which also came with 160 hectares of mountain pastures.
Pascal uses only the most appropriate farming techniques, even if some may be considered rather unconventional. On his farm, which has been certified organic for over 15 years, he uses homeopathic medicine to treat sick cattle, bans cowbells, and includes cross-breeds in his herd.
His suckler cows calve in early winter so that the young are sufficiently strong by the time summer comes around to make the traditional ascent to the mountain pastures. Every animal spends two summers on the high-altitude farm before leaving Charmey. The meat they produce carries the bio Suisse and pasture-fed labels.



All season

Suitable for

The offer is suitable for

  • Families
