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Die Schweizer Pärke am Salon Goûts & Terroirs 2024

Die Genussmesse «Salon Suisse des Goûts et Terroir» findet vom 30. Oktober bis am 3. November in Bulle (FR) statt. 
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Col de Jaman

Natural monument
Season: All season

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut - Despite the route's dangers and sometimes questionable condition, this path had two big advantages: it was the shortest route between the Pays-d’Enhaut, the Gruyères, and Léman (Lake Geneva), and it was passable almost year-round. It was also an important gateway for the inhabitants of the high valleys who couldn’t live in complete autarky. In the 19th century, however, the route’s roll changed. Tourists in awe of the panorama (and the echo off the Dent de Jaman) replaced cheese-makers little by little. Tour guides of the time often cited Lord Byron: “This view is as beautiful as a dream!”

The pass, impassable by car and still closed to automobile traffic today, can be crossed (other than by foot) thanks to a tunnel built on the MOB (Montreux-Oberland bernois) railway line in 1904. This line remains the main public transportation axis between the Pays-dEnhaut, the Intyamon, and the Lake Geneva region.

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Allières - Les Avants

The trail starts with the ascent to the Col de Jaman. It leads up over alpine meadows. The alpine huts have traditional shingle roofs. The trail then descends again to the village of Les Avants.

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 3 hours 10 minutesLength: 9.20km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Allières - Les Avants

The walks starts with an ascent to the Col de Jaman. The trail leads over meadows with cairns and past alpine huts with shingle roofs. The trail then descends to the village of Les Avants.

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 3 hours 10 minutesLength: 9.20km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Allières - Montbovon

This stage is the only one on the Grand Tour des Vanils to offer a magnificent glimpse of Lake Geneva (from the Col de Jaman) and along the slopes of the Cape au Moine.

Hiking trail
Time required: 6 hoursLength: 18.10km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Allières – Les Avants

Two passes, two worlds

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 30 minutesLength: 10.90km


All season


Colle di Jaman
Col de Jaman
1824 Montreux
