Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut - Walk through the undulating, wooded countryside of the Intyamon, with some wonderful features including a covered bridge, the village of Lessoc and its famous fountain, the waterfall and grotto in Grandvillard.
As you leave Montbovon, head towards the lake and walk along its left bank. Follow the path that leads to Lessoc, passing two bridges over the Sarine, including a covered one with a shingle roof. In Lessoc, dominated by a fountain with the silver-tiled roof, the path takes you to the church. Continue for 400m and then take a path to your right. Once you reach the hamlet of Le Buth, it is worthwhile taking a detour to the octagonal chapel. Be careful: the path continues slightly higher up, towards the Combarimbourg, and then Grandvillard. As you reach the village, the path continues to the right of the Maison du Banneret, towards the wayside cross (point 936). Follow the road and then enter the forest. After you have crossed the stream, there is a path to the left. This runs alongside the Rio des Marais stream as far as a new road, which it crosses. You will then see the Chalet des Baudes (parking). The path follows the road to Coudré. A path climbs up to the Cabane de Bounavau.