3 La Route Verte - 3rd stage
In the heart of the Thal Nature Park, the forest used as a backdrop to many works of art will enrich your journey. The three mountain passes of this stage offer you breathtaking views.
Swiss Parks Network
Monbijoustrasse 61
CH-3007 Berne
Tel. +41 (0)31 381 10 71
Mob. +41 (0)76 525 49 44
Naturpark Thal - This restaurant offers a fantastic view of the Alps and is located directly on the Passwangstrasse.
In the heart of the Thal Nature Park, the forest used as a backdrop to many works of art will enrich your journey. The three mountain passes of this stage offer you breathtaking views.
Auf 6 Tagesetappen den Solothurner und Baselbieter Jura entdecken.
Why not go on a journey of discovery in the Naturpark Thal with the little forest sprite.
In zwei Etappen von Dornach bis nach Huttwil, führt Sie diese Velotour mitten durch den Naturpark Thal.
Jeweils am Sonntag mit toller Aussicht vom Brunnersberg zum Passwang wandern und dabei immer wieder an Bergrestaurants vorbeikommen - das ist die NaturparkBus Beizen-Tour.
All season