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2105 offers
Biosfera Val Müstair

On the banks of the Rom

The hike takes you through impressive river restoration, and in Sta. Maria you can discover the Mall mill and the hand weaving enterprise Tessanda and you can conclude with a visit to the museum in the UNESCO World Heritage St. Johann Monastery.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 14.50km
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

On the trail of the Celts

Exciting things are waiting to be discovered in the Doppelrheinschleife. The Celts still exert a special attraction today. Their archaeological monuments tell of a fascinating culture.

Guided tour / Excursion
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

On the way to the Glacier

The Turtmann Valley: wild and romantic a testament to its glacier

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 16.00km
Naturpark Thal

Orchideen im Thal

Vom Ragwurz über die Türkenbundlilie zur Spitzorchis und dem Roten Waldvöglein... Die Vielfalt an Orchideen im Thal ist bedeutend. Lassen Sie sich Zeit und entdecken Sie die versteckten Schönheiten, verteilt im ganzen Naturpark Thal!

Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen


In Osterfingen prägen heute Reben und Wein das Dorfleben. Früher war es das Bohnerz, welches zuerst für Aufschwung sorge, später aber auch Leid für die Dorfbevölkerung brachte.

Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Otter enclosure with aquarium

Two otter enclosures as well as an aquarium at the visitor centre in Sihlwald.

Jurapark Aargau


Auf einer leichten Wanderung erlebt die Grupppe Packgeissen, Ponys und Hunde ganz nah.

Nature experienceOffer for groups
Naturpark Thal

Pankratius Church Matzendorf

The Church of St. Pankratius lies on a delightful hill between Aedermannsdorf and Matzendorf. It was built in 1520 in the late Gothic style and was extended in 1781. Today it is a popular wedding church.

Parc régional Chasseral

Panorama from Chasseral

The panorama from 1606,2 m high summit of Chasseral is unique: From here you can see the whole Alpine chain from Säntis to Mont Blanc, and also over the Mittelland (middle of Switzerland).

Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

Panoramaroute Buchberg

This hike impresses with its scenic diversity. Along the way, numerous viewpoints offer beautiful views of the Rhine, which meanders gently through the valley.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 40 minutesLength: 10.30km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Panoramic round walk in Sörenberg

Enjoy this straightforward walk on the sunny side of Sörenberg with its glorious views of the village and surrounding mountains.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 3.70km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Paquet du Parc

Des produits au rythme de la nature

CHF 56.00
FoodsArtisanryShop for regional productsGifts
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Parc à la carte

Le Parc à la carte regroupe toutes les activités et forfaits proposés par le Parc entre mai 2022 et avril 2023.

Culture experience
Parc du Doubs

Parc du Doubs

Geschäftsstelle Parc du Doubs

Park administration
Parc naturel du Jorat

Parcours VTT 10 km

Parcours VTT en forêt de 10 km

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 10.00km
Parc naturel du Jorat

Parcours VTT 20 km

Parcours VTT en forêt de 20 km

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 20.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Pascal Tercier

Pascal Tercier has had a life-long passion for farming and livestock. Having worked on a series of mountain farms in his youth, the former lumberjack finally became master of his own 40-hectare farm, in Charmey, which also came with 160 hectares of m...

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Passé et présent d’un chalet d’alpage

En compagnie de Pierre-Philippe Bugnard, historien gruérien passionné et passionnant, partir à la rencontre des chalets d'alpage de la région de Lys. Dans un cadre naturel grandiose, assister à une démonstration de la fabrication du fromage et compre...

Culture experience
Parco Val Calanca

Passeggiata teatrale al canto degli alberi

“Scusi lei... Faccia da Albero!"

Guided tour / ExcursionOffer for classesOffer for groups
Naturpark Thal

Passwang Rundwanderungen

Diese Rundwanderungen versprechen verschiedene Highlights: Aussichtspunkte, Bergwirtschaften, Kreten, lichte Wälder.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 1 minuteLength: 3.70km
Naturpark Thal

Passwang: Die grüne Route

Kurzer Ausflug rauf und runter

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 10 minutesLength: 3.70km
Biosfera Val Müstair

Pauraria Jachen Andri Planta

Sleep in straw, guided trekking in the valley or in the Val Mora high mountain region

Biosfera Val Müstair

Pauraria Puntetta

Der Erlebnis-Biobauernhof Puntetta bietet individuelle Lamatrekking-Touren an, betreibt einen Hofladen mit Bio-Naturabeef-Frischfleisch und Salsiz und stellt ausserdem gemütliche Ferienwohnungen zur Verfügung.

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Pays-d'Enhaut Région, Économie et Tourisme

Regroups the tourist offices of Château-d'Œx, Rossinière and Rougemont.

Information center
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

Pears instead of being arrested

At the lofty heights of the edge of the expanded Zelgli meadow, there is the possibility to barbecue. This is reminiscent of the bailiff who formerly gave pear pieces to an Anabaptist woman instead of arresting her.

Infrastructure Summer
Jurapark Aargau

Perimukweg Herznach

Perimuk der Jurasaurier möchte die verborgenen Naturschätze rund um das Dorf Herznach kennenlernen. Kommt ihr mit?

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 6.00km
Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Pesto, graines et apéros du domaine Le Pontet, Gingins

Parmi les spécialités du domaine Le Pontet, on retrouve différentes préparations simples ou plus sophistiquées, telles qu’un pesto à l’ail des ours, des mélanges de graines ou encore son fameux « Apéro du soleil ».

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Peters–Café Lounge Restaurant

Das Peters ist ein gemütliches, familienfreundliches Café - Restaurant mit ca. 60 Sitzplätzen und einer Spielecke für die kleinen Gäste.

Naturpark Thal

Pfadiheim Balsthal

Pfadiheim Balsthal

Group accommodationAlpine hut and shelter
Naturpark Thal

Pfadiheim Laupersdorf

Pfadiheim St. Martin Laupersdorf

Group accommodationAlpine hut and shelter
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Pfründhaus Guttet-Feschel

An accommodation option for families, groups or clubs with a maximum of 11 to 14 people who want to spend their time in a homely and rustic atmosphere. A kitchen is available

Group accommodation
Parc du Doubs

Pierre Froidevaux und seine Honige

Pierre Froidevaux kümmert sich mit Leidenschaft um seine Bienen auf der Hochebene der Freiberge, in Le Boéchet (Les Bois) und Le Noirmont.

Landschaftspark Binntal

Pilgerweg - Binn - Heiligkreuz


Pilgerweg: Binn - Heiligkreuz

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 4.50km
Jurapark Aargau

Pilze entdecken - ganz privat

Die Pilze in den Jurapark-Wäldern zeigen sich Ihnen von einer ganz privaten Seite.

Nature experienceCulinaryGuided tour / ExcursionOffer for groups
Naturpark Beverin

Pistenbeizli Tenna

During the ski season, from the end of December to the middle of March, the Pistenbeizli is open daily and spoils guests and locals with fresh and home-made delicacies.

Naturpark Beverin


The Pizzeria Orta with its sunny terrace and unobstructed view of the valley and the Grisons mountains can seat 20 guests at a time. We cook regionally and source our products as far as possible from surrounding farms and local producers.

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Place de pic-nic la Valsainte

Au bord du Javro. En traversant la rivière, arrivée à la Chartreuse de la Valsainte. Ligne de bus à la belle saison.

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Plan de l’Ouge Farm

The Plan de l’Ouge certified organic farm deep in the La Torneresse valley of L’Etivaz is run by Maurice and Sylviane Henchoz, together with their sons Stéphane and Nicolas.
In 1997 Maurice Henchoz converted his family farm to organic, which meant a...

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Playground Feldgüet

The Children's playground Feldgüetli has numerous playground facilities, tables and benches, a place for barbecues and a large grass field. There is also the possibility for cooling down in the adjacent Kleine Emme river.

Landschaftspark Binntal


Our young guests will find a variety of playgrounds in the Binntal Landscape Park. For example, children can let their imaginations run free at the Magic Forest adventure playground and play with natural materials.

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Pontet Bridge

It can already be observed on a map from 1578. Threatening to crumble and fall, the bridge was restored 1993. During this restoration work the original paving was rediscovered revealing ruts characteristic of horse-drawn cart passage.

Historical building
Parc du Doubs

Portes médiévales St-Ursanne

Trois magnifiques portes encerclent les enceintes de la cité médiévale. La porte Saint-Paul(XIIIè), la porte Saint-Pierre (XVIè) et la porte St-Jean (XVIè).

Historical building
Parc Ela

Post hotel

Take a break from your everyday life. Real hotels still exist. One of those is located in the middle oft the Grisons mountain village Bivio. Like the village, Hotel Post exudes traditional simplicity and charm.

Jurapark Aargau


Die Jurapark-Landschaft ganz bequem fahrend entdecken – das ist die Postautoreise. Die Reise führt Sie von Aarau via Frick und Laufenburg bis Brugg einmal quer durch den Jurapark Aargau.

Other routesObstacle-free route
Time required: 2 hours 10 minutesLength: 61.00km
Jurapark Aargau

Postkarten malen

Die geschwungenen Hügel im Jurapark Aargau bieten ideale Landschaftsbilder zum Malen von Ansichtskarten.

Nature experienceGuided tour / ExcursionOffer for groups
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Prareman Sheep Farm

Maurane and Malik Bajrami are famed for their delicious lamb meat products. On their sheep farm, at the entry to the Intyamon valley, the lambs are reared naturally on their mother’s milk.
Malik was 14 when he began keeping sheep. When he met his f...

Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Predator circuit

Experience the bear, lynx, wildcat and wolf. Take some time to observe our indigenous predators in near-natural enclosures.

Theme trail
Time required: 30 minutes
Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Produits carnés de la Boucherie Ledermann, Bière

A la tête de la Boucherie Ledermann & Cie à Bière, Pierre-Michel Ledermann et ses trois fils maîtrisent toute la filière de la viande fraîche de bœuf Parthenaise. Goûteuse, très tendre et peu grasse, elle convient à tout type de préparation.

Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

Protected by the Randen – the Täuferstieg

The Anabaptists from Schaffhausen sought protection among the Täuferstieg and gathered together undetected for their meetings. In 2004 an Anabaptist Stone was laid in commemoration of the persecution the Baptists and as a sign of reconciliation.

Historical place
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Pushchair trail Grimmialp-Anger

Walk out of the valley with your family along the Valley Hiking Trail and the river Fildrich. Do you know our water playground? A stop here for the little explorers is almost obligatory.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 4.55km