Glögglifrosch pond
The cleaned-up ponds along the River Sihl between Langnau am Albis and Sihlwald offer a home for the Glögglifrosch (midwife toad).
All season
Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald - Diese Velotour führt der Sihl entlang von der Grossstadt Zürich mitten in die Waldwildnis des Naturerlebnisparks Sihlwald und wieder zurück. Entlang der Strecke gibt es mehrere Einkehrmöglichkeiten.
Auf dem ausgeschilderten nationalen Veloweg Nr. 94 gelangt man schnurstracks von Zürich in den Sihlwald. Erst gemächlich der Sihl entlang bis Sihlbrugg, dann auf der alten Forststrasse mitten durch den Wald zurück. Von Tramglocken und rauchenden Auspuffen zu quakenden Fröschen und rauschendem Flussufer.
Diese Route stammt aus dem Buch: Caroline Fink, Sihlwald - Wild und schön, AS-Verlag Zürich.
The cleaned-up ponds along the River Sihl between Langnau am Albis and Sihlwald offer a home for the Glögglifrosch (midwife toad).
There is information, a souvenir and bookshop at the visitor centre in Zurich's wilderness park, and it also has a museum with interactive exhibitions about nature and the wilderness.
There are three barbecue area with several benches in front of the Visitor centre in Sihlwald. Firewood is available in wooden crates.
Branch nests, suspension bridges, an hollow silver fir trunk, a snake made of wood - these are the centrepieces of the wilderness playground at the visitor centre in Sihlwald. The exciting play wilderness offers challenges for young and old.
One barbecue area directly on the banks of the Sihl river. There are two benches as well as a table and bench combination provided.
There is a barbecue area with three benches and a table bench combination on Streuboden.
The Rooseveltplatz is named after Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who in 1948 admired the mighty 200 year-old trees on this location during a visit to Sihlwald.
The two barbecue areas at Langrain lie directly on the Sihlwaldstrasse . Benches, tables and wells are available.
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