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Naturpark Gantrisch © Christian Meixner
Naturpark Gantrisch © Christian Meixner
Naturpark Diemtigtal © Christian Meixner
Naturpark Diemtigtal © Christian Meixner
© Christian Meixner
© Christian Meixner

The Three Parks Hike

Alpine pastures & cheese: stories in the heart of the Pre-Alps
This six-day hike takes you through the beautiful landscapes shaped by mountain farming: you will discover daily life on Alpine pastures, the solidarity between the alpacists as well as the traditional but creative cheese making and even the age-old art of carpentry.


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A Guide to The Three Parks Hike

Download your guide (german or french) or order it for free at 



The Three Pre-Alpine Parks Hike

The trail takes you accross the three regional nature parks of the Pre-Alps: Diemtigtal,  Gantrisch  and Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut.  All three are committed to preserving their valuable culture and landscapes and keeping their traditions alive.


The Three Parks Hike Experience

The Three Parks Hike takes you through the regional nature parks of the Pre-Alps: Diemtigtal, Gantrisch and Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut. Each stage invites you to experience the breathtaking landscapes and taste the delicious regional specialities.

On this page - as well as in the hiking guide (german or french), - you will find an exciting story per stage as well as all the practical information you need to plan your trip. You can either organise it on your own (and even decide to do only a few stages, as they are all accessible by public transport) or book the whole week with Eurotrek as a package with overnight stays and daily luggage transport.

The Three Parks Hike is also available on SwitzerlandMobility and Outdooractive.

We wish you a lot of fun along the Three Parks Hike!

You will find here detailed information for each stage:

Stage 1: Zweisimmen – Grimmialp

From Zweisimmen you start the first day by climbing to the Gubi Pass, where your efforts are rewarded with a well-deserved break on the shores of Lake Seeberg. The trail then descends to the Diemtigtal valley. Throughout the day, you will notice the grazing cows, which produce valuable milk. The story «Von glücklichen Kühen und ideenreichen Bauern» (in German) and « Pour le bonheur des vaches et de toute la vallée » (in French) will tell you more about these cows.

Further information: stage 1

Stage 2: Grimmialp – Oey

On the second day, the trail takes you through the Diemigtal Nature Park, along streams, through flowering meadows and sheltered forests. Along the way you can admire the beautifully decorated Simmental houses: they bear witness to a bygone era and have many stories to tell. Read the «Zeitzeugen uralter Tradition» (in German) or the « Témoins d'une tradition séculaire » (in French) for more information.

Further information : stage 2

Stage 3: Oey – Gurnigel

The third day's hike begins with a cable car ride to the top of the Stockhorn. From here, a panoramic trail along the peaks of the Gantrisch range starts to the Leiterepass and then leads up to Gurnigel Wasserscheide. On the way, you pass the peaceful and wild Walalp, where you will find the habitat of a tiny animal who plays an important role in the ecological balance of the region. Learn more about it in the story «Kleine Baumeister auf der Alp» (in German) or « Le plus petit architecte des alpages » (in French).

Further information: stage 3

Stage 4: Gurnigel – Lac Noir

Stage 4 leads along the Gantrisch panorama trail to Zollhaus, where the warm and cold Singine rivers meet and flow into Schwarzsee. If you're not staying overnight, don't miss the crossing to the Chuebärg alp at the start of the stage. Sarah Gross, a passionate alpine farmer, makes cheese in her mobile cheese dairy at an altitude of almost 1700 metres. It's guaranteed to be fun! Read more about Sarah in «Sarahs mobile Alpkäserei» (in German) or « La fromagerie mobile de Sarah » (in French).

Further information : stage 4

Stage 5: Lac Noir – Jaun

The 5th day of the hike takes you through the Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut Nature Park to the Euschels Pass via the wild Brecca Gorge before descending to Jaun. This stage is characterised by several alpine huts and chalets, ideal for taking a break and tasting regional specialities. One of them, the Hubel Rippa alp, is particularly worth a visit... Discover it in the story «Ein halbes Jahrhundert zu zweit» (in German or « Un demi-siècle sur l'alpage » (in French).

Further information : stage 5

Stage 6: Jaun – Gruyères

ulture enthusiasts will have a strong memory of this last stage, which is marked by numerous chalets, churches, chapels and the unique heritage of the Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut Regional Nature Park. In the following story («Handwerkskunst im Rhythmus der Natur» in German or "Un artisanat au rythme de la nature" in French), you will discover how small wooden planks, typical of the pre-Alpine landscape, are the pride of the whole region and how Vincent Gachet, a tavillonneur, is committed to maintaining this know-how.

Further information : stage 6