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Monitoring of the Spöl River

Progetto di ricerca
Appuntamento/periodo prossimo: 12.04.2017 - 30.06.2024

Date di attuazione / periodo di tempo

12.04.2017 - 30.06.2024

Responsabilità del progetto di ricerca

Azienda partner del parco
Forschung und Monitoring Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Sonja Wipf
Chasté Planta-Wildenberg
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41 81 851 41 29


Azienda partner del parco
Forschung und Monitoring Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Sonja Wipf
Chasté Planta-Wildenberg
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41 81 851 41 29

Schweizerischer Nationalpark - Monitoring of the heterogeneity and respond to flow regulation of fluvial morphology systems with the help of drones.

The outcomes of this project can be of interest for river restoration projects, as the morphological
mapping is a key element to characterize the fluvial systems. Moreover, the expected gain of
knowledge on the use of unmanned aerial systems with its hyperspatial and multispectral imagery
and high-resolution topography will be of interest for other projects using similar data and tools,
but also for the SNP who considers using drones more frequently inside the park boundaries. This
proposal will be also the first project within a longer-term work in the Spöl, in which the use of
drones will be the main approach to gather data for a spatio-temporal morphodynamics analysis.

Projektnummer 1302
