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Charcoal path

Theme trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 10.96 km


April, Mai, June, July, August, September, October


UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  
Biosphärenzentrum UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch
Chlosterbüel 28
6170 Schüpfheim
Tel. +41 41 485 42 50

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch   -

The charcoal makers of Romoos are the last to practice the ancient craft of charcoal burning in Switzerland. The thematic path explains this skill in more detail. The trail leads across mountain ridges and through wild canyons and is a good representation of the landscape in the Napf mountain area.

If you walk from Romoos through the multilayered Napf area, you might suddenly smell smoke or see mysterious wisps rising from between the trees. Not to worry, it is not a forest fire. It is just the fumes of the smoldering charcoal kilns. The charburners of Romoos are building conical piles of different kinds of wood. Then they light them to generate charcoal. They monitor the process around the clock for a good two weeks. The production of “black gold” is hard work. For centuries the farmers have been producing charcoal as a secondary income. Romoos once had around 200 charburning places because blacksmiths, iron foundries and glassworks needed a great deal of charcoal then. Nowadays, the ancient craft is practiced by just a few farmers from the Napf area. They still produce as much as 100 tons every year. Making air holes, adding burnable material, extracting charcoal – with a bit of luck, you might be able to peek over the workers’ shoulders on the hike between Romoos and Bramboden. Signs along the way also provide information about the charburning craft, about gold prospectors and about natural phenomena in the region. The route first climbs uphill to Schwändi and then continues on a spectacular footpath through the narrow Goldbach canyon. The highest point of the walk is located at Oberlänggrat. The route via Rose-Beizli, which is a little off the path, descends to the Seelibach brook and finally to Bramboden, crisscrossing Lucerne’s Napf area. It passes steep cliffs and waterfalls, snakes through narrow ravines and climbs over sunny ridges. The area around Romoos is often compared to the Centovalli in the Ticino because of the similar topography. Bramboden, a place of pilgrimage, is a veritable gem. It is located in a side valley of the Entlebuch, far from any other village. A visit to the lovely mountain church, dedicated to St. Antonius of Padua, should not be missed, and the Pilgerbeizli restaurant is a perfect place to end the day.



10.96 km
Altitude difference ascent
799 m
Altitude difference descent
539 m
Time required
4 hours
Level technique
Level condition
Height profile view map


Rundgänge bzw. Exkursionen. Informieren Sie sich beim Biosphärenzentrum: oder Tel. +41 (0)41 485 42 50.

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Möchten Sie zusehen, wie ein Meiler gebaut wird und Holzkohle entsteht? Gerne organsiert die UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch geführte Rundgänge bzw. Exkursionen. Informieren Sie sich beim Biosphärenzentrum: oder Tel. +41 (0)41 485 42 50.

Sommerpauschale wandern Sie durchs wilde Napfgebiet und folgen dem traditionellen Handwerk der Köhlerei.

" class="external_link" target="_blank">

Wie wärs mit einer 4 Tages-Wanderung zu den Köhlern inkl. Gepäcktransport? Mit der Sommerpauschale wandern Sie durchs wilde Napfgebiet und folgen dem traditionellen Handwerk der Köhlerei.

Infos zuf Köhlerei

" class="external_link" target="_blank">

Infos zuf Köhlerei

Infos zum Förderverein Köhlerei Romoos

" class="external_link" target="_blank">

Infos zum Förderverein Köhlerei Romoos

Blogbeitrag mit auf den Köhlerweg

" class="external_link" target="_blank">

Lesenswert: Nina nimmt Sie in ihrem Blogbeitrag mit auf den Köhlerweg

  • Educational opportunity


Dorfplatz Romoos - Bodengade - Studewald - Zällerhüsli - Schwändi - Länenwald - Under Länggrat - Ober Länggrat - Gadenstattli - Geissboden - Drachslis - Luegmoos - Bramboden Dorfplatz


Starting point
Romoos Dorfplatz
Arrival by public transport
Romoos, Post Timetable SBB
Bramboden Dorfplatz
Arrival by public transport
Bramboden, Kirchplatz Timetable SBB

Suitable for

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
  • 50+

To discover on the trail

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Kreuz hotel Romoos

The hotel Kreuz is located at the Zyberliland Romoos. The hotel was built in 1905/1906 and is listed as protected monument. Martin Röösli and his team attach great importance to a well-kept and fresh cuisine.

