B&B hotel restaurant Jägerheim
In addition to the restaurant and hotel rooms, the B&B Veranstaltungshotel Restaurant Jägerheim now also offers space for private and business events, conferences, etc. Roxanne and Ben will be happy to advise you.
Landschaftspark Binntal -
Goms, the broad valley of the young Rhone, here called the Rotten. Insect-rich flower meadows and a tangy resin aroma are your constant companions through the sunny high valley, before bikes are pushed up through a steep gorge to Brig.
Pushing section: 1.5 km Ausserbinn-Hockmatta (historic path through Binnaschlucht gorge).
Beware: busy main roads Mörel–Bitsch (roundabout). Alternative: load on train Fiesch–Brig, please note rail recommendation No. 13.
In addition to the restaurant and hotel rooms, the B&B Veranstaltungshotel Restaurant Jägerheim now also offers space for private and business events, conferences, etc. Roxanne and Ben will be happy to advise you.
The attractively situated hamlet of Hockmatta was first mentioned in 1393 and stands on a once-busy track from Grengiols to Albrun. The few residential and utility buildings encompass an square-like interior, and there is a chapel on its west edge.
Die Kapelle der Heiligen Familie steht am idyllischen Dorfplatz von Steinhaus und wurde um 1728 erbaut. Der buntbemalte Altar zeigt die Heilige Familie auf dem Tempelgang nach Jerusalem, begleitet von der Taube des Heiligen Geistes.
Make a stop in the small hamlet and look at the sunburned houses: Mühlebach has the oldest village centre in Switzerland of timber construction. Here there is a signposted house trail leading to objects worthy of seeing.
The showpiece of Ernen is the village square (Dorfplatz), around which numerous historic buildings are grouped, e.g. the St. Georg tavern (1535), the "Tellenhaus" (1576) with the oldest Tell frescos in Switzerland or the "Zendenrathaus" (dated 1750).
As in the generation house, Leuenberger relies heavily on regional ingredients and local production.
From the Wasserfallen top station you walk to the fantastic viewpoint of Vogelbergfluh and descend to the former comb-making village of Mümliswil. Regional gourmet treats await you in the mountain restaurant and in Mümliswil.
Kreten, Schluchten, Wald - ein echtes Highlight im Naturpark Thal.
Auf 6 Tagesetappen den Solothurner und Baselbieter Jura entdecken.
Diese Rundwanderungen versprechen verschiedene Highlights: Aussichtspunkte, Bergwirtschaften, Kreten, lichte Wälder.
Die Jurapark-Landschaft ganz bequem fahrend entdecken – das ist die Postautoreise. Die Reise führt Sie von Aarau via Frick und Laufenburg bis Brugg einmal quer durch den Jurapark Aargau.
Luftige Kreten, tiefe Schluchten - Rundwanderung von Mümliswil auf das Chellenchöpfli. Eine traumhafte Aussicht belohnt Sie auf dem Gipfel.
Die Wanderung ist Teil der Wander Challenge "26 Summits" von Blick.
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