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Buschberg Chapel

Season: All season


All season


Pfarrei St. Martin
5064 Wittnau
Tel. +41 (0)62 871 41 10

Jurapark Aargau - According to legend a miller experienced a miracle in 1668 on the Buschberg. Since then the cross erected there and the chapel which was built later have become a place of Christian pilgrimage. Nearby there is a Celtic burial mound.

According to legend a miller experienced a miracle in 1668 on the Buschberg. Since then the cross erected there and the chapel which was built later have become a place of Christian pilgrimage. For those interesting in ancient history there is a Celtic burial mound.


  • Suitable for strollers


All season


Accessible all year round

Arrival by public transport

Wittnau, Mitteldorf Timetable SBB


  • Picnicplace

Suitable for

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
  • 50+
  • Families
  • Groups

The offer has been particularly developed for

  • First cycle (Kindergarten and 1st/2nd grade)
  • Second cycle (3rd - 6th grade, primary level)
  • Third cycle (1st – 3rd grade, lower secondary)
  • Upper Secondary School Classes
  • Association/Companies

Routes in the vicinity

Jurapark Aargau

Tiersteinberg Bike

Tiersteinberg Bike ist ein Kleinod in abwechslungsreicher Jurapark-Landschaft und zu jeder Jahreszeit ein Genuss, - besonders jedoch im Frühling und Herbst. An heissen Tagen machen Waldabschnitte die Tour angenehmer. Am Weg locken tolle Aussichten.

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 3 hours 15 minutesLength: 31.00km
